Some end-of-life items can be recycled or turned into new products. Baby car seats are an excellent example: the Centre de recherche et d’éducation à l’environnement régional (CREER) has developed a method for turning them into park benches, picnic tables, and pet accessories. Waste management companies like TerraCycle recycle numerous baby products, including cribs, high chairs, and strollers. You can also take items to your nearest recycling depot (ecocentre) to dispose of them in an eco-friendly manner.
一些废品可以回收或制成新产品。婴儿汽车座椅就是一个很好的例子:地区环境研究与教育中心 (CREER) 已经开发出一种方法,可以将它们变成公园长椅、野餐桌和宠物用品。像 TerraCycle 这样的废物管理公司回收了许多婴儿用品,包括婴儿床、高脚椅和婴儿车。您还可以将物品带到最近的回收站 (ecocentre),以环保的方式处理它们。